Our Mission Statement
"We, God's People of St. Augustine Parish, welcome ALL people to celebrate liturgies with us. As a spirit-filled Community, we are dedicated to the continuation of the mission of our Lord through Scripture, Sacrament, and Service.
Second Sunday of Advent (12.08.2024)
On this second week of Advent we continue to prepare for the coming of Christ, the Lord. We are filled with hope and light. The Lord enters the world to save us. Our paths will be made straight. Our burdens will be eased. Our darkness will be lightened. Salvation is at hand. Our readings today tell us that we are made pure and blameless through Jesus Christ.
The first reading calls Israel to abandon mourning and misery and replace it with the glorious splendor of God. Baruch urges Jerusalem to look ahead in hope to days of God's justice and glory. Paul’s letter to the Philippians is filled with hope and joy embracing Christ’s message and mission. He prays for an increase in virtue among them in preparation for Christ. In the Gospel, Luke places John the Baptist’s ministry in historical context before describing his call for a baptism of repentance. He prepares the way of the Lord. He is proclaiming that salvation is near.
John the Baptist proclaims the words as he himself directly prepares the way of the Lord. He proclaims Jesus’ coming and foretells of his importance. He is a powerful witness to the Son of God who came to take away our sins, calling out to all of us: “Prepare the way of the Lord”. ‘Prepare a way for the Lord’ is a common refrain during the Season of Advent.
God is faithful to his promises. God sent his son as he promised. Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of all God’s promises. God has prepared the world for the coming of Christ, who came to save us from sin and to restore our relationship with God.
The Season of Advent helps us prepare for Christ’s birth at Christmas, while being filled with hope and a joyful expectation of when he will come again. Advent is an opportunity for us to turn away from the past and prepare a way for the Lord to enter our lives and to look ahead to the future with hope. Every Eucharistic Celebration is an invitation to create a space for the new to enter and emerge. Let us create a space for the coming of Jesus into our hearts.